World Period Group AB
Menssäkrad is the brainchild of World Period Group, a social entrepreneurship venture led by two passionate sisters, Terese Lann Welin and Jennie Lann. Their drive? Creating a better, more sustainable world.
The scoop is this: they’re all about addressing menstruation openly and responsibly.
Their big-picture goal? Making sure all rights related to menstruation will become a societal norm and a regular part of the conversation and culture.
And guess what? This goal directly ties into three of the 17 global objectives of Agenda 2030. Goal 3 – Good health and well-being, Goal 5 – Gender equality and Goal 10 – Reduced inequalities. Now that’s impactful!
Period proofing is not a passing trend, but rather a new societal norm.
Terese Lann Welin – CEO
I’ve dedicated a significant portion of my life to advocating for menstrual rights. In addition to starting the campaign “Menssäkrad” in 2017, which gave Sweden a new vocabulary around periods at work, I am also the founder of the international project platform” My Period Is Awesome”. The platform works with projects focused on sexual and reproductive health and rights and has dedicated local partners in Uganda, Rwanda and South Sudan.
Access to menstrual materials should be considered a right, not a privilege. Ensuring period-friendly spaces and hygiene products for all menstruators is a milestone towards a more equal and equitable world. Be a part of the change – period proof your workplace!
Reach out to me:
Jennie Lann – CMO
I’m all about making waves and driving change, and it’s great that I get to do that side by side with our amazing customers. Throughout my career, I’ve been a firm advocate for equality and a vocal promoter of raising awareness about unhealthy workplace dynamics and injustices. So, you can imagine just how deeply meaningful it is for me to be right here at Menssäkrad, rolling up my sleeves and working hands-on to create change, one restroom at a time.
By challenging old norms and crafting new ones, we’re painting a different picture of what things can be. And until we get there, we’re embracing our inner rebels. It’s a meaningful role, I must say, especially with our team’s rock-solid foundation of knowledge backing us up.
Reach out to me:
Hanna Hellström – Communication
Ever since my internship at My Period Is Awesome in 2018 I have known in my heart that I want to work with issues related to menstruation. After my internship ended, I joined the team full time. In my new role I managed an information and awareness campaign, and I took part in launching Menssäkrad at the Gothenburg Book Fair in 2019. I also participated actively in the process of Menssäkrad going from being a campaign to becoming a full-fledged company.
If anyone would have told me when I was 14 years old that I would be working with menstruation, I would never have believed it. But here I am and it’s the best job in the world!
Reach out to me:
Louise Johansson – My Period Is Awesome
Shame related to menstruation has always been a big part of my life. When I was 12 years old, changing my menstrual pad in the restroom in school, the boys were banging on the door yelling ”are you on the rag?” I felt deep shame. Issues around menstruation and reproduction are so deeply entrenched in shame from a very young age, and that is one area where change must happen. The shame surrounding menstruation takes on different forms but exists everywhere in the world.
I now wake up every day feeling so empowered to go out there and do my job destroying shame. I work as a program Manager at My Period Is Awesome, we are a sister organization to Menssäkrad and we run creative international collaborative projects focusing on sexual and reproductive health and rights, with special focus on menstruation.
Thomas Huxley – CTO
When Menssäkrad first told me of their mission, and that they wanted me to be involved, I could not say no.
It’s an absolute privilege to be a part of a hard-working team who are helping to remove stigma, promote inclusion and equality, and improve the lives of menstruators. Seeing the results of our work with our clients and the positive reactions they receive is a rewarding experience. It’s also the reason why everyone should have menstrual protection, not just in their home, but in their workplace too.
Everyone can be a part of this new norm, and with Menssäkrad it’s simple.
Mentions in media
“That’s why Swedish companies need to be Period proofed.”
“Why JM invests in period proofing.”
“Periods are now on the agenda. No more hush hush!”
“Period products goes without saying”
“If you get your period, there's nothing.”
“Young people today have new demands.”
66% women-owned
In a world where men construct billion-dollar enterprises using feminist messaging, we are committed to transparency in our ownership structures. That is why we initiated the ”women-owned” certification. We encourage other businesses to be equally transparent and avoid femme washing. It’s about bloody time!